Welcome for coming! We are to being happy stuffs because surfy fun-time on webbynet! There is to being people persons in cyber-rand who to saying poopy Google peoples crosing Chinese blowser stuffs. Google peoples to say belligerent stuffs about China censorfun! Google peoples to say China people person do hacky game with frowny bad dissident emails! To this we are to saying "hoo-fligging-boo." Other smelly sad yankee peoples are to saying we plant peoples from lucky good People's Party in chat looms to steer conversations to happy fun plopaganda. That is to being road of cocky-pop!
Glorious China webbynet is to being totarry non-censor stuffs and compretery flee! You are to putting those apples in pipe for smoking! And we to putting our yuan where our face-hole to being!
Herro and welcome dance! Indutrocing the Duper-Super Non-Censor China Webby Net Chat Loom! Laughy fun time!
Comment: Hi Chinesey folks, I was watching Meredith Viera leer like a Tuscaloosa whore at that darling Matt Lauer when suddenly I started listening to what she was saying; some oriental homosexuals (horientuals?) were trying to have a beauty pageant but the Chinesy police shut 'em down. That wasn't very nice. Why, my best friend Sally Kerns has a son who's a fairy and he's just as sweet as he can be, bless his heart. He has a way with throw pillows and his room mate Brandon is a darling (I just wish he'd put a shirt on at family functions). I say if the gays want to put on gowns and prance down the runway like Carrie Prejean, where's the harm in it? As long as they can't marry or live next to children, I don't see why we can't treat them as if they were people. Let your horientuals have their cute pageant. Signed, Jeannie Bladdersham aka Jesuslovesferrets
Response: Most honorable Braddersham lady, my name is Frank and I am to living in the not Chinese city of Idaho. I am to make disagreement time. Happy good Chinese police persons do not to making poopy fanny poking humposexuals stopping to have frowny pageant. The humposexuals took the poppers and got lost on their way to the pageant place. Glorious nation of China not to wanting unrucky gay pageant. If all the gays to put on crowns and swimmy suits, social order corrapse! That is to being bad for party! Signed, Flank aka Maopower
Comment: My name is to being Kum Ming Dong. I to hearing that Google is to make bye-bye time. That make Dong to dripping with cry water. Last time Dong do Google search on "naughty fun boobie girly" Dong sit up straight at two naughty fun boobie girlies who have one cup on YouTube. Those boobie girlies are so so naughty time! But when I go on Baidu for to searching "naughty fun boobie girlies" all I to getting is Chairman Mao poem about a kitty cat. Or if Dong to make Baidu search on "Palis Hirton oopsie hole," I not get naughty movie-show of Palis Hirton, instead I get Chairman Mao recipe for puppy dog chow mein. Baidu is to sucking yak butt. At reast can Baidu make compromise? Let Dong to watch a movie-show called "Two Maos, one cup"? That is to being excerrent idea stuffs. Make wait-time, someone is to doing knocky knock on door. BLB.
Response: You not to make frowny bad naughty time on webbynet any more. You are not to "be light back," because that knocky knock on door was happy good police. You to going to lucky good re-educational camp for to learn silly good cattle prod dance! Welcome for going, poopy face!
Comment: The people of Tibet are suffering under their seventh decade of iron fisted PRC rule and all they want is to be happy and free. They long to celebrate the return of the Dalai Lama, whose long exile is and act of a paranoid, evil and godless government. I suspect Tibet will eventually win its independence and China will eat crow. The PRC is occupied by lying, corrupt dogs.
Response: I edited your comment so it to saying what you really are to meaning. Welcome so much!
On a personal note, we're not surprised that COWA's blocked in China. Try searching "Can o' Whup-Ass" on Google. Now try it on Baidu. Nuff said?
Howev, we find it odd that COWA's Sino-file archive has seen a huge increase of hits lately (mostly from China or "Unknown"), and every time we do a search on "China," "censorship," "Google," and we click on a related link in the results, our browser crashes (it doesn't happen with other searches).
Are we being monitored?
In September, we had the following comment to our post "Lucky Fun China to Wish you Have Duper-Super Year of Rat Earth Day":
"beijing08: I'm not the biggest fan of this post in my opinion."
To which we replied:
"Hi, beijing: In my opinion, you ARE the biggest fan of this post. Let's aglee to disaglee, m'kay?"
So to the Chinese web monitor who we suspect might be leading our brog (is that YOU beijing08?): Welcome for coming!
Beijing08 sez: "I'm not the biggest fan of this brog in my opinion. But WAM begs to differ and told me to subsclibe to this brog's feed."