When we arrived in NYC in 1987 to pursue our ill-advised dream of becoming a renowned classical actor, we experienced a period of extreme poverty (who saw THAT coming??). We were reduced to jumping turnstiles, and our daily sustenance consisted of a banana in the morning and either a slice of pizza or a box of kraft macaroni and cheese in the evening. One afternoon we were loitering in Tantalus Deli on East 55th, trying to decide what delectable morsel to purchase with our last remaining 68 cents. Suddenly, we spied a hundred dollar bill on the floor in the beer aisle. That night we had the most delicious pastrami on rye ever.
Likewise, having suckled at the bitter teat of Unemployment Insurance for a year, the milk recently ran dry. The very day the payments ceased, we found ourselves hired by a prominent financial news agency, and now hold full press credentials ("smell YOU Nancy Drew!" we hear you utter under your putrid mentos-and-decaf breath).
But listen, bitches; Mamma will provide. In the darkest moment, something in the universe clicks; the planets align. We blink, and suddenly we're enjoying a delicious pastrami on rye. Burp!
Now that we're once again a respectable (shut up) working member of society, we've found little time to spare. And this, our baby, has suffered. Yet COWA remains our secret crush. Posts will come with more frequency in the future, and we shall ruthlessly whup the asses of those who deserve it until our computer crashes, our hands cramp, or Yahweh yanks us home to Jesus whilst smiting the internet because of Ashton Kucher's sophomoric twittering. We're back.
With that in mind, there have been numerous items of late with blatant "whup my ass" signs taped to their fannies. We've been chomping at the bit to open a can. What follows is the Reader's Digest version of what we've been simply DYING to say:
When obnoxious divorcee Anne Romano relocated her two girls (Valerie Bertinelli—future hair band frau, current fat person—and thou) to the urban shangri-la of Indianapolis, who expected her oldest daughter to be arrested at airports with a kilo of horse wedged up her oopsie hole? Worse still, Schneider hardly foresaw the day when Julie Romano would hit the talk show circuit yammering endlessly about her icky 10-year affair with her father. I'll say it to your face Mack. It's tacky.
What gal hasn't accidentally done the the hippity-dippity with pops for ten years, ultimately aborting his misbegotten inbred womb-booger because hubby wouldn't approve? We're so glad you've decided to launch your extra-classy "I boned pops and all I got was an aborted fetus and a book deal" publicity tour and press junket. We knew you were bad news when you ruined Harrison Ford's evening in "American Graffiti." Do us a favor, take a job as a second shift Stuckey's hostess and slither away into obscurity. Thanks.
Dear Prisscilla Mechell,
Our first impulse is to beg you to run a spell-check on your unfortunate first name.
Beyond that, as we know, a woman just isn't a woman unless a fetus is kicking her abdomen from within her fruitful womb. So when your ample tummy rudely ejected your woebegone uterus spew, you sensibly decided not to tell anyone. Instead, you faked the remainder of your pregnancy and kidnapped a neighbor's infant. Then, to remake the poor thing in your ghastly image, you shaved its noggin and tarted it up under layers of Mary Kay cosmetics. Upon reconsidering the wisdom of those actions, you deposited the wailing diaper-filler in a convenient dumpster, where it was later found by the authorities gurgling under half-eaten chalupas and curbed dog poop.
We see absolutely nothing wrong with your actions. What does a modern gal want with someone else's tarted up baby? To hell with it. Let's go shopping!
WAMP.S. To Prisscilla's miscarried fetus: we congratulate you on your foresight with respect to your erstwhile mother-to-be's parenting skills. Better luck next time.
Dear Mayor Eric J. Brewer,
Okay, so being Mayor of East Cleveland is pretty much like being crowned King of poop. Sure, it's nice to be King of anything, but East Cleveland? What's second prize?
Howev, if one is running for public office, it's a good idea not to prance about in women's lingerie, snapping nasty pics of ourselves looking like a chorus girl in the all-crack-whore production of Chicago (a production we'd quite enjoy, come to think of it).
Bitch, it's like this; one does not pose for pictures in corsets and panty hose like an unholy hybrid of Betty Page and Flip Wilson if one yearns for a gig in the political sphere. For not only are you a freakin mess (we beg you to investigate proper skin care, pubic mowing, lipo, hot oil treatments and drastic rhinoplasty), you are now known as Ms. Mayor Nasty Pants. Can you really govern dazzling East Cleveland when everyone and their Facebook friends know you're wearing Victoria's Secret's entire "tranny-mess" line underneath your JC Penney double breasted seersucker? We suggest a new career. Perhaps you could give hand-jobs at truck stops or join the gals on The View, or something.
Dear Ms. Davina Warren:
First, let us dance on the precipice of political incorrectness by saying that the black bitches have ALL the hair. We have seen weaves that gave us vertigo and/or motion sickness. We have seen bitches who are so braided and bobby-pinned their architecturally unstable hair looks like exploding turkeys emerging from chocolate wedding cakes.
So we quite enjoyed the story about how you grabbed hold of a bitch's weave and held it for ransom whilst wielding scissors. And now you find yourself charged with aggravated assault and false imprisonment.
Chanda. Chanda-Chanda-Chanda. As anyone from Tootie on "Facts of Life" to Beyonce (and her team of nervous wig-wranglers) will attest, one simply does not take a bitch's weave hostage and expect to live to see Tyler Perry's next cinematic masterpiece. Especially considering the fact that, judging by your photo, weaves have waged the cruelest war on thou; for you look like the second-string Big-Mac-assembler at the Tuscaloosa McDonald's.
Perhaps you intended to purloin gal's locks, to pirate her braids in order to supplant your woefully inadequate hairdo.
Julie Romano sez: "I'm totally addicted to my subscription to this blog's feed"

WAM - you have been missed. Best of luck on becoming the poster child of Michael Moore's next film, Capitalism: A Love Story Part II.
As for Ms. Mackenzie Phillips, what I can't believe that Daddy John could not find anyone better looking.
Perhaps the advice the Mayor was given early on in his political was to make sure his briefs were kept short. He just got a little confused as to the briefs they were speaking of.
I'm disappointed that you did not mention the Goddess of Hair Weaves, Ms. Patty LaBelle. She paved the way for all skanky whores everywhere to look fashion fabulous.
Again, welcome back to COWA.
Posted by: RamboSF | October 01, 2009 at 08:47 PM
@Rambo: Thanks, and gird your loins for future posts. We took a brief sabatical, but COWA has only just begun!
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | October 01, 2009 at 09:11 PM
"...one does not pose for pictures in corsets and panty hose like an unholy hybrid of Betty Page and Flip Wilson if one yearns for a gig in the political sphere."
Ya think???
May I just say that your readers - or at least, me - are thrilled you're once again gainfully employed. And that your riveting expose on Ms. Warren reminds uswhy we all love your blog so much.
Welcome back, O Venerable WAM.
Posted by: Jan | October 01, 2009 at 09:51 PM
Welcome back WAM. This one was well worth waiting for. Thanks for the out-loud laugh today. I needed it.
Posted by: Leeuna | October 02, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Leeuna! Thanks, it's good to be back. Keep watching this space. WAMsters, click on Leeuna's name. She's a gently funny, clever humorist. Worth a read.
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | October 02, 2009 at 05:48 PM
Jesus. The things I learn on the Internet.
Posted by: ellie | October 03, 2009 at 01:57 AM
@ellie: we're nothing if not educational.
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | October 03, 2009 at 09:37 AM
Hilarity at its finest! Glad you have gainful employment! Omaha Steaks anyone? Can't wait for the next post. I'm headed to Cuba!
Posted by: JWB3 | October 03, 2009 at 07:32 PM
WAM - thank you thank you thank you for re-emerging. Now we BOTH have press credentials! lets crash some high falutin' fiesta soon!
JWB3 - you and Kool and the Gang! Scheduled to appear before end of the year here in "castro's cuba"
Posted by: Conner | October 08, 2009 at 12:42 PM