WEST YORKSHIRE, UK -- When pasty twit Simon Simkins and his long-suffering wife minced into a candy shop to purchase sweets for their unfortunate snaggle-toothed children, he was shocked when he saw the wrappers of Haribo Maoams. One is a disturbing depiction of a lascivious lime having its way with a lemon of easy virtue, while another portrays the same citrus cad gang-banging the cherry twins. Simon Simkins told The Sun that whilst he complained to the shopkeeper, his excitable wife "became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park."
Monstrous, isn't it? Isn't the world unpleasant enough without candy companies forcing sensitive women to sit down in car parks upon exposure to copulating produce? We believe the Simkins have suffered quite enough, thank you. So we've decided to offer a few words of comfort:
Dearest Mr. and Mrs. Simon Simkins:
It is our sincerest wish that you've recovered from the trauma of being exposed to rude citruses having it off. One suspects your delicate sensibilities remain haunted by the distasteful and confusing questions that linger. First and foremost, what kind of depraved lime would engage in carnal activities with a lemon (who's obviously a godless tart), and then cheat on said lemon whilst contributing to the delinquency of two cherries? Certainly not the sort of lime we'd want our children to suck on.
Furthermore, had you known fruit was capable of such Leviticus-defying debauchery, it's highly unlikely you'd have ordered the Waldorf Salad at yesterday's luncheon. Heavens, we thought that was mayonnaise!
May Jesus give you strength in your crusade. Stay vigilant, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Simkins; this must be nipped in the bud, and you seem ideally suited to bud-nipping. One cannot allow pornographic sweets packaging to blossom into a trend. We scarcely think upstanding Christian parents want to wake up one day to discover the M&M boys jamming their peanuts in each other's chocolate. One shudders to think of the filthy juxtapositions those randy Three Musketeers could get into. And the thought of Crackerjack pushing Little Debbie's ankles behind her ears while his dog Bingo has a go at her gooey ring-ding, is frankly too much to bear.
KEIFING, China -- In precarious economic times, it often becomes necessary to consider a career change. Meet one Zhang Tingting, a lovely woman who has delighted the People's Republic for decades by pulling cars with her hair. A Kung Fu expert, she's made a career out of having her braid hitched up to various motor vehicles and pulling them through China's cities like a nightmare one might have about Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer after eating too much mu-shu pork.
Unfortch, there just isn't as much money to be had anymore from being yoked like a yak to heavy machinery and being mushed through the mainland as if there's a two-for-one dogmeat sale at Costco.
So the enchanting Ms. Zhang has shaved her noggin and entered a nunnery. We consider it an astute career move. Had Maria von Trapp learned Kung Fu so she could pull Studebakers through Salzburg by her hair, by the time she'd developed her irritating habit of clothing rich children in calico draperies and forcing them to gallivant across the alps whilst singing show-tunes, we suspect the Nazis would have thought twice about the whole Austria thing.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Simkins say: "Subscribing to this blog's feed is as wrong as allowing fruits to marry."
Excuse me, but I do believe I must disagree with you, O Venerable WAM - Cherry #1 seems to be having her way with Mr. Lime; Cherry #2 doesn't seem to have joined the fray yet, but since we are talking about co-joined cherries (see the stem), I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Yes, I'm drinking wine again.
Posted by: Jan | August 31, 2009 at 07:20 PM
@jan: Cherry #2, by the lustful look on her slutty face, is most definitely a participant in this disgusting fruit salad orgy.
P.S. We're having a martini.
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | August 31, 2009 at 07:27 PM
Pulling a car with her hair???!!! I bet she had some serious split ends. (her hair probably wasn't in very good condition either.) Oh and those candy wrappers...now I have to go sit in the car park. whores! The lot of them.
Posted by: Leeuna | August 31, 2009 at 09:59 PM
@leeuna: Indeed, one can't imagine hooking one's hair to an automobile. Heavens, don't they have AAA? And don't go sitting in the car park, Leeuna. They're only fruit.
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | August 31, 2009 at 10:07 PM
I wonder if the Simpkins worked for the company. Seems like pretty good free advertising. I never even had heard of the things.
Great line: with Maria Von Trapp pulling Studebakers with her hair.
Posted by: Unfinished Rambler | September 01, 2009 at 09:45 AM
While Maom's graphic imagery is likely to warp the minds of impressionable children, it should be noted that there was other artwork which was declined by the board of directors. One submission in particular featured a melon savaged by an erect penis. It was dismissed due to lack of innuendo.
Posted by: Derek Smithers | September 20, 2009 at 09:51 AM
@Derek Smithers: That's a pity. I would actually buy that candy.
Posted by: Whup-Ass Master | September 20, 2009 at 10:29 AM
aah, MAOAM's xD cheap, delicious candy :p just seeing those wrappers makes me wanna go out and buy some more
Posted by: William | May 02, 2010 at 08:34 AM
Your opinion is very good
Posted by: uggs outlet | December 29, 2011 at 09:38 PM